Friday, March 11, 2011

"Who is/was Annie Dale Biddle Andrews"

    Annie Dale Biddle Andrews was a famous mathematician. Annie Dale Biddle Andrews was born in 1885 and die on 1940. she was one of the first female mathematician to honered a Ph.D in the University of Califronia, Berkeley. She also was known the one who had written her thesis known as Constructive theory of the unicursal plane quartic by synthetic methods in 1911. Annie Dale Biddle Andrews also, in 1933 published a paper in a journal of American Mathematical Society. another thing was that Annie married Wilhelm Samuel Andrews on October 7, 1912. The had a daughter born in 1913 and a son born in 1919.

Friday, March 4, 2011

"Fibonacci in Nature"

 Fibonacci was a mathematician from many years ago. This article were so confusing. Fibonacci theories have to do with math. The math that he more likely uses is multiplication. I said that is multiplication because on of the articles that mention about the rabbits how they multiply not even before they have a year old. When the rabbits have month of being born a female and a male are put togetehr and make more baby rabbit for the generation of rabbits not to die. I find that very interesting.

Friday, February 25, 2011

"Hot Math"

 I do not think I got a visual images while and or after listening to the track. I say that I did  not get any visual images of this track becuase this track did not even had any lyrics. It did not have any lyrics to help me understand whta is this track about. I can not associate this track with any emotions with what I was hearing because I find this boring. Not only that I find this boring is that this track is like for people to relax or thinks and other things like that where they need something calm like those instruments that the track have. I do not think that this track is both the visual images and emotions related to math. I say that they are not related to mathy because how would I know that it is related to math i it does not even have any lyrics or me to known what is the track about. This track is more likely to relax and thing if you want about matgh or anything else but it does even related to math this track.

Friday, February 11, 2011

"Wonderlic Test "

 I think that the Wonderlic test is not a good  indicator of NFL success because when they see the score they will see it is not true. The reason why I say it is not success because this Wonderlic test have nothing to do with the the game. This test have to do more with math then the game so that test have nothing to do with the NFL scores. The scores that I had of 20 question that I had to answer in certain time it was __11 questions out ___20. When I took this test I did not really understand what was going on. The reason why I say I did not know what was going is because one it had nothing to do with the game once again and it was all math  so it was kind of hard for me to score more when I took the test, but I think it would had been much harder if it would have been of the game because honestly I do not know anything about games I do not really wat them.

Friday, January 21, 2011

"Ten Algebraic Commandments"

    I think that the commandment or commandments that I have broken is the 4th commandment because sometimes I think that I do not listen to the teacher carefully and that is why I do not get all my problems correct or I make a mistake. Another algebraic commandment that I have broken is the 5th commandment because I copy all my notes but the mistake that I do is that I take them but iI do not really use them to review all the time other then the time when I need it to study for my tests. I think that the 6th commandment to because sometimes I forget to convert the inequality. Even thought I think those are the commandment that I more likely have broken the 1st, 2nd, 7th and some of the other season of all the other commandment I do not brake them because I know how to use them correctly most of the times. What I do to keep these commandment is that I try to keep them all ways in mind when I am solving the problem and I try to study them. My overall thought of this video is that is really good because is just helping us how to kepp this direction in mind all the tiem when we are solving equation in school and every where in around the world. I really like it.