Friday, October 15, 2010

The world would be a better place without mathematics.

                 I totally do agree with this statement that the world would be a better place without mathematics. Well I do not agree because if their was no math incleded in this would how would we as human would solve our everyday problems. Also, your life would be very hard because how would you kow how many money you have to pay when you go shopping. If you do not know how many money you have people would trick you, nd would not give you back the right amount you suppost to get back and you would end up lossing money without knowing. That is the reason why I said mathematics should always be part of our world to be able to solve real life problems.

1 comment:

  1. So you agree and disagree? I can understand that Adalgisa. However, you provided examples for why you disagree with the statement but didn't provide reasons for why you agree. It would have been interesting to read that. Good!
